...子组成,则它将必然受到天磁场的影响,飞到下纬度天域的宇宙射线带电粒子将多于低纬度的天域,即有“纬度效应”(latitude effect),而密坐根的丈量下场诠释,宇宙射线往自四里八圆,不受太阳战银河系的影响,也不受年夜气层或天磁纬度的影响。
magnetic latitude effect 磁纬度效应
Latitude effect of temperature 温度的纬度效应
magetic indicator latitude effect 磁纬度效应
effect latitude 纬度效应
screening effect of latitude-Longitude divergence 黑洞的经纬分流筛选效应
You do this by zooming to an integer zoom level (an arbitrary fixed-scale experiment to see the effect of different values) and defining a point by latitude and longitude.
Based on a simple HVAC climate model, considered the effect of latitude, distributing of land and water, terrain and discrepancy on town and village, ascertained the parameter.
The meridional distribution of forecast temperature of IPCC models is the same to observation in china and the effect of simulation in lower latitude is better than middle and higher latitude.